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Deploy a castlemock mockserver on Kubernetes with helm
- Authors
- Name
- Ghislain Tchangang
- @blvcktherippa
Original post on Dev.to
What is a mockserver?
A mock server is actually a fake API that simulates a real server response. There are many articles about certain open source solutions like mockserver or about the general concept of mocking APIs
Why should a team use a mock server in their development lifecycle? There could be two good reasons :
- Simplify testing
- Decoupling development teams
After we noticed a tight coupling behavior between a product team and my team, I decided to deploy a mock server to reduce the dependencies between the team. The mock server should have the following properties:
- could be used for automation tests as well as for manual tests
- Easy setup and maintenance by the business analyst
- can process REST as SOAP requests
I found out that there are a lot of open source solution for mocking api. From mock-server to castlemock
Install Docker and Kubernetes on MacOS
This is pretty easy. The following steps can help you with:
- Download Docker-Desktop
- Install Kubernetes from Docker-Desktop
When that's done, all you have to do is pull the latest version of castlemock from Docker Hub :
docker pull castlemock/castlemock
If everything works, install Helm using the following commands :
brew install helm
It's all.
Install castlemock with helm
Assuming Docker, Kubernetes and Helm are install and running. Do the following steps:
git clone https://github.com/3logy/castlemock-helm
helm install castlemock ./castlemock/
So easy it's when working with Helm.
Many thanks to Muhammad Hewedy 👍 , who helps me on Twitter to get into Castlemock deployment on Kubernetes.