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How to write a post on OSS Cameroon blog



The OSS Cameroon blog is open-source and built in a way that anyone can contribute by adding his own article. The topic must be something about programming, community, job search and career advice.

All the projects are hosted in the GitHub organisation of OSS Cameroon including the blog that you can find at this link: and all the posts are hosted in the GitHub repository as a Markdown file.

To continue with the next steps, it is mandatory to have a GitHub account.

Fork the project

The first step is to fork the project to your own account. If you don't know what "fork" is, check out this link to learn more.

Go the blog repository link:

Click on the button to fork the as indicated on the picture below:

Fork the project

You will see the UI below:

Create the project

The GitHub repository of the blog is now on your GitHub account.

Note: when forking the project, the repository's name can be anything you want.

Set up the project on your local computer

Clone the project from your GitHub account. The link to the repository is<your_username>/<repository_name>.git

On your local computer, clone the project with following command:

git clone<your_username>/<repository_name>.git
  • Replace your <your_username> by your own GitHub username.
  • Replace your <repository_name> by the repository's name you gave.

Run the project locally

To run the project locally, run the command below:

cd oss-cameroon-blog
npm install
npm start

Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000

You will see the blog homepage

Run the project locally

Add me as Author

A blog post can have one or many authors and to be added as an author, your information must be present in the folder data/authors. If you have already written a post for this blog, can skip this part.

Copy the file data/authors/ and give an username you want. The username must not be present in the folder data/authors

In my case, my username is tericcabrel so, I will duplicate the file with the following command:

cp data/authors/ data/authors/

Open your author file and edit the information. Here is an example:

name: Eric cabrel TIOGO
avatar: /static/images/authors/tericcabrel.png
occupation: Software Engineer

For the property avatar, make sure to copy your picture in the folder static/images/authors Save and exit, and we are done for this part.

Add a blog post

let say you want to write a post with the title: Authentication with Google using Node.js.

To add blog post, at the root project directory of the blog, run the command below:

npm run create-post

Provide an answer to questions prompted in the terminal.

Run the project locally

The CLI will generate a file in the folder data/blog, you will find the file named authentication-with-google-using-nodejs.mdx open it, and you will see the following content:

title: Authentication with Google using Node.js
date: '2022-05-28'
tags: ['authentication','node','google']
draft: false
summary: a summary of the post
images: []
layout: PostLayout
authors: ['tericcabrel']

You can edit these properties as you want.

Start editing

The file is created, you can now use the Markdown syntax to write your article. With MDX, you can go further by adding HTML tags directly in the Markdown

Browse the while editing

To see how the article will be displayed while you are writing, start the application

npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:300/posts/authentication-with-google-using-nodejs

Now edit the content, save and the page will be refreshed automatically.

If you pay attention, the URL path authentication-with-google-using-nodejs is equivalent to the filename inside the folder data/blog without the extension

Add table of contents

The table of contents is useful to display a quick overview of the article and easily jump to the section we are interested in.

In the beginning of the article, add the line below:

## Overview

<TOCInline toc={props.toc} exclude="Overview" toHeading={3} />

The value of the property toHeading can be between 1 and 6; it is the equivalent to h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6

toHeading={3} will display headings h1, h2, h3 in the table contents and ignore h4, h5, h6

Commit and push

Once you finish writing your blog post and ready to publish online, you need to commit your changes and push to the remote repository.

We will create a new Git branch, commit the changes on that branch and push to remote repository. I will call the branch auth-google-node but you can name it as you own.

git checkout -b auth-google-node
git add .
git commit -m "finish article about authentication with google in node.js"
git push origin auth-google-node

You will get the output similar to this

Commit the changes and push

Submit your article to the main blog

Create a pull request

Go to project repository on your GitHub Account and create a pull request to the main blog repository on OSS Cameroon.

Commit the changes and push

When for your pull request to approved

At this step, members of OSS Cameroon will receive a notification of your pull request, review your posts. If there are changes to apply, you will fix and update the pull request.

When no changes needed, the pull request will be merged and publish on the

Congratulations, you published your article 🎉