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Become a Software Developer



Being a software developer

Software engineering is the process of analyzing user needs, designing, building and testing end-user applications, which will meet those needs through the use of software and programming languages. It is the application of engineering principles to software development.

To be a software developer, good news there is not only one path, in this article we will talk about the different paths you could take to become a software developer, we will also talk about the pros and cons of some paths. But in the end, it's up to you to decide which path is best for you.

Get a university Degree

Going to college to graduate is the traditional path people take to become a software developer. This path consists in obtaining a higher technician's certificate or a license in computer science (or more, it depends on you) in computer programming or in a related field. But believe it or not, going to college to become a software developer has its pros and cons.

The pros:

Creates networking opportunities: When you attend a college degree program, you get the chance to connect with a variety of other young professionals who have similar interests and career aspirations. This can help you build friendships and make important connections. Your classmates can become professional references, business partners and potential employer connections that can drive your job search.

Introduces new career interests: Some college degree programs require students to take a range of general courses across different subject areas. During this process, students may discover a potential alternative career path that interests them. For example, a student who wants to major in education may decide to minor in math to work as a math teacher.

Helps market candidates to employers: Having a college degree can help candidates standout to employers when they include their degree details on their resume. A college degree shows employers that candidates have the ability to learn and excel with multiple priorities (courses) at a time.

The cons:

Enhances student loan debts: Some students may have the financial means to minimize student loan debts that they need to pay off after college. However, many students look to financial aid options to afford their education and student housing. Therefore, earning a college degree could cause students to incur student loan debt that they have to pay off over time.

Limits ability to switch careers: Because college degrees showcase a student's ability to excel in a particular industry or career field, it might affect their ability to switch careers quickly. They may also need to earn additional degrees or certifications to qualify for other career options.

Minimizes work experience during degree programs: Although some degree programs offer internships and work experience, a lot of degree programs consist mainly of in-class instruction. This potentially limits the amount of real-world professional experience that could help prepare students for life after their degree.

Boot Camps

Coding Boot camps offer crash courses in software development. They are intensive and accelerated learning programs that equip learners with skills in areas such as Full-Stack Web Development, Data Science, Digital Marketing, UX / UI Design and more. Bootcamps usually take 12 weeks (full time), it can also be up to 24 weeks (part time).

The pros:

Cheaper and Quicker Than a College Degree: Save money and get it done faster? One of the major draws for attending coding bootcamp is its cost effectiveness and the amount of time it takes to graduate. Besides being good for your wallet, bootcamp allows you to get all your coursework done in about 12 weeks for full-time students or 24 weeks for part-time, rather than four years.

Practical (Hands-On) Curriculum: Technology is constantly changing and so must the curriculum. Coding bootcamps offer industry-inspired curriculum that’s constantly updated and applicable to real jobs in the tech world.

The cons:

Sometimes a degree is the most important: Some employers still tend to place greater value on a degree. Either these employers haven’t caught up to the changing times or they see degree holders as more well-rounded and better prepared.

Too Fast to Keep Up: While they will save you time, attending a coding bootcamp means you’ll be working in overdrive to cover the curriculum. Coding schools are designed to be quick, so you can launch or enhance your career.

You need to be 110% dedicated to learning as much as you can, all day every day. To do that, it will take grit and determination. It will definitely be challenging, but the reward of becoming a coder will be worth the work.

Be a Self-taught developer

Self taught developer

A self-taught developer doesn't wait for someone to take the initiative on their behalf and prepare to excel at all kinds of programming skills. When you learn to code, you learn at your own pace using free or paid online / offline resources.

The pros:

Limits education-related costs: By not going to college, young professionals have the opportunity to limit education-related costs and debt. This allows them to maximize their earnings and savings.

Enables to direct your own education: When individuals don't go to college, they can empower themselves to take control of their own learning experiences and the types of education or training they pursue.

Maximize experiences: During the years when some professionals attend college programs, those without a college education have time to maximize their professional experiences in the world of work. It can help you improve your resume, get promotions, or learn valuable skills while others take college courses.

The cons:

Causes professionals to work harder to stand out to employers: When applying for jobs without a college degree, applicants may need to provide additional information and refine their application materials to increase their chances of getting an interview or a job offer.

Causes professionals to potentially earn less on an annual basis: In some situations, those without a college degree can excel and maximize their earnings. However, it may take longer for them to achieve the same annual salary as those with college degrees.

That's it, here we are at the end of my article. Hope I brought you something new or reminded you of the important things. Thanks for reading.

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